Thursday, August 21, 2014

QV14 Peek() used in for loop

Peek() function can also most usable in for loop in qlikview.
Lets have a look on a little example, I have google-ed this example and perform on my local machine.

In the example, we have a table "FileListTable:" with two fields Date1 and FilNme. FilNme i.e. Filename all are exists on the loacal harddisk, we have to load each file and we can perform any type of string operation on loaded file.
In for loop:
1. NoOfRows return total number of rows in table
2. for loop work from bottom to up. As the logic says "vFileNo-1", Total no. of rows-1
 i.e.  11-1 = 10 return -> Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_28_12_18_30.log
   10-1 = 9   Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_28_11_34_41.log
   9-1 = 8    Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_16_51_02.log
   2-1 = 1    Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_38_06.log
   1-1 = 0    Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_36_35.log

3. In loop we are creating New file name which will same the log file in the form of text file.
4. Store all log file in form of "*.txt"

Load * inline
Date1, FilNme
18-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_36_35.log
25-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_38_06.log,
26-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_39_08.log,
27-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_50_00.log,
19-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_50_37.log,
20-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_53_15.log,
21-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_15_57_28.log,
22-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_16_48_30.log,
23-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_25_16_51_02.log,
24-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_28_11_34_41.log,
28-07-2014, Airline Operations_ch8.qvw.2014_07_28_12_18_30.log

For vFileNo = 1 to NoOfRows('FileListTable')
      Let vFilNme = Peek('FilNme',vFileNo-1,'FileListTable');
       xyz: Load *,'$(vFilNme)' as FilNme
       let vfilenme =replace(vFilNme,'.log','.txt') ;
       store * from xyz into $(vfilenme);
Next vFileNo


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